Are you wondering whether you should throw out or try to clean upholstered chairs?
This customer was going to throw these chairs away because they thought they were uncleanable. Some upholstery stains seem too bad to be cleaned, or you may wonder whether it's worth the cost to have them cleaned.
10,000 Lakes Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning offers reasonable upholstery cleaning rates and will keep costs down for you while improving the look and giving your upholstered furniture a thorough cleaning.
Check out this before and after of a beautiful blue chair, stained and soiled, and then cleaned - stains entirely removed and thoroughly fresh and clean!
This upholstery cleaning project was in Brooklyn Park off of Highway 610 & Noble.
Call for more information, or to schedule.
Upholstery Uplift: Call about our offer for 10%-20% off cleaning of your upholstered chairs! 10% off any job over $300, and 20% off any job $400 or more! Valid in the Twin Cities Metro Area, Minneapolis - Saint Paul and suburbs, through March 23, 2021! This offer is not valid in combination with any other offers, and code must be mentioned at time of scheduling (UPHOLSTERY UPLIFT), and must also meet minimum requirements. Call for more information!